överarmsbenens (humerus) ledändar (för en detaljerad metodgenomgång se Kjellström 2005, 2008). Ett tillägg har ricular Surface of the Ilium: A New Method for the Determination of Adult Skeletal Age. In. I. M.= incisura ischiadica major.


For pictures of this model with answer keys to help you study, visit: http://www.humanbodyhelp.com/scapula-anterior/ http://www.humanbodyhelp.com/scapula-pos

Humerus. 1. Mandibula. 6. Ossa longa. 87.

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It is the site of the glenohumeral joint, and of various muscle attachments. Its important  1 Jul 2020 The surface voxels of the scapula were identified on 2143 CT-scanned The main exceptions from this pattern were the third and fourth largest  The shoulder is made up of 2 main bones: the end of upper arm bone your hand or arm is outstretched to stop the fall, or when you fall on a hard surface. 12 Mar 2015 This is the location of the primary physis of the proximal humerus in The scapular spine runs along the posterior aspect of the scapular body  The glenoid fossa forms the articular surface of the scapula and connects to the and minor, and levator scapulae muscles are the main muscular stabilizers. 6 Jan 2016 This model describes scapular kinematics with four degrees of freedom: As the scapula moves on the thoracic surface, it rotates to maintain  The glenoid labrum increases the depth and surface area of the glenoid cavity to The rotator cuff is the main group of muscles in the shoulder joint and is  intertubercular groove, the groove on the anterior surface of the humerus that is site for the tendon of the pectoralis major (lateral lip), teres major (medial lip),  Four major shoulder joints help to achieve a complex range of motion: the Like all joints in the body, the shoulder joints' bony surfaces are covered in articular  Shoulder Anatomy Learn about the fascinating structures that make up your are covered in a smooth, gliding surface called articular cartilage (joint surface). The strong chest wall muscles (deltoid, pectoralis major, lattisimus do (4.11)The bones that connect the upper extremity to the trunk are the clavicle, or collar bone, At the lateral end this smaller surface articulates with the scapula. The levator scapulae muscle is attached at the top four cervical vertebrae (C1 to The trapezius muscle is a large surface muscle that spans from the base of  4 Feb 2013 between the humerus and scapula (glenohumeral or "ball and socket" joint) Collapse of the bone supporting the joint surface may be caused by and management of primary glenohumeral degenerative joint diseas 29 Jul 2017 The articulating surface of the scapula, called the glenoid, meets the head of the humerus to form the glenohumeral joint (GH joint).

Ddx primary brain neoplasia? Types of gliomas: Vad heter ytan framför spina scapula? Fascies Vad kallas occlusive surface abnormalities hos kanin?

It begins in a relatively flat area at the vertical border with a smooth, triangular surface, over which the tendon for insertion of the caudal part of the trapezius glides. Scapula definition is - either of a pair of large triangular bones lying one in each dorsal lateral part of the thorax, being the principal bone of the corresponding half of the shoulder girdle, and articulating with the corresponding clavicle or coracoid —called also shoulder blade. scapula meaning: 1.

The scapula is a thin bone placed on the postero­lateral aspect of the thoracic cage. The scapula has two surfaces, three borders, three angles, and three processes. 1. The costal surface or subscapular fossa is concave and is directed medially and forwards. It is marked by three longitudinal ridges.

The subscapularis muscle originates from this side. The superolateral surface of the costal scapula is the coracoid process. The scapula provides attachment sites for many muscles including the pectoralis minor, coracobrachialis, serratus anterior, triceps brachii, biceps brachii, and the subscapularis. The scapula has two main surfaces: the costal (front facing) surface and the dorsal (rear facing) surface.

Main surface of scapula

MUSCLES The muscles of the scapular region (Figs 17.1 and 17.2) join the Middle (acromial) part: Lateral border of the acromion process of scapula. Posterior part : Lower lip of the crest of spine of scapula; Insertion: ‘V’ shaped deltoid tuberosity on anterolateral surface of humerus.
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Main surface of scapula

A scapula’s posterior surface is crossed obliquely by a prominent ridge, the spine, which divides the bone into two Outer surface of ribs 2-5 or 3-5 or 6. Medial aspect of coracoid process of the scapula. Medial pectoral nerve, C8,T1 • Depresses & downwardly rotates the scapula.

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2 Jul 2018 Let's take a look at the scapula's primary movements and how it coordinates with the humerus. Scapular Movements. Protraction. During 

The pectoralis minor attaches here, while the coracobrachialis and biceps brachii muscles originate from this projection. Lateral Surface. The lateral surface of the scapula meets the humerus. It is the position of the glenohumeral joint, and of numerous muscle attachments. The scapula is a thin bone placed on the postero­lateral aspect of the thoracic cage. The scapula has two surfaces, three borders, three angles, and three processes.